My parents own A & N Greenhouse, out on Hwy 47 towards Potosi. (you know where that is if you live locally) It's too late this year, but that's the place to go when you want really good garden plants and flower baskets.
Ok, back to my story. As I was saying, we used to put in a nice sized garden. A couple of years ago, Daughter #1 enlightened me to the efficiency and ease of square foot gardening
So the gardening set idle for a season or two, until we determined that we were going to have fresh garden tomatoes on our BLTs. We both like the idea of having a garden, but he doesn't have time to weed the garden and I don't want to. :) So, necessity being the mother of invention, we came up with what I thought would be a simple plan--patio gardening.
Here's what we did:
Early one morning, The Farmer went out to get our special mix of highly organic soil.
This is the field where the cows winter.
A visitor came as he was mixing the fertilized soil with peat moss
At one time these tubs contained protein supplement for the cows. I guess Otis (the bull) remembered.
The Farmer mixes the soil and peat moss, and loads the tubs into the bucket of the tractor.
He lifts the tubs onto the deck using the bucket of the tractor.
You can see the remnants of the square foot garden in the background.
We only did three tubs.
I planted 1 tomato plant and 2 pepper plants in each tub.
I later discovered that I should have planted the pepper plants in a tub by themselves.
Live and learn!
Have you planted a garden this year? Let me know how your garden is growing.
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Hey little sis,
I always LOVE your stories. They are always so informative.....keep on writing and everyone will keep reading..I'm sure that they enjoy them just as much as I do!!!! By the way nice personal plug for the greenhouses...Love ya lots...:):)
Hey Sis! thanks. I'm thinking about asking Mom and Dad if they want to buy some advertisement on here. (jk)
Thanks for the encouragement...Love ya back!!
Love your story
I remember the green houses. I have a small green house myself. I love starting my own seeds. I'm totally organic but it is the harder way for sure. But I prefer it. Keep up with the stories. I must say, for some reason they make me miss you.
Thanks Cheryl. Miss you, too. Some time when you come down we should get together.
I love my fresh vegetables...but I am so tired of weeding. As soon as I finish weeding and go to the next spot I look back and they are already growing new weeds! I am almost ready to give up too :)
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