Sunday, May 19, 2013

I Want To Be A Loser

Not many people want to be a loser, but in the world of weight loss, that is always our goal. I read somewhere that weight gain in America leveled off in 2010, which is good, but obesity is still a big problem.

Higher medical costs and lower quality of life are two of the main talking points of those who are trying to encourage weight loss, which I never really understood because I didn’t feel that either one of those reasons affected me.

Higher Medical Bills

I very seldom go to the doctor so I didn’t think higher medical costs was a factor to my obesity, but then I ran across a chart from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that lists all the diseases associated with obesity.

  • Sleep apnea and snoring—have it

  • Lung disease

  • Liver disease

  • Gallstones—had it

  • Cancer

  • Stroke

  • Heart disease

  • Pancreatitis

  • Female disorders—had it

  • Arthritis

  • Inflamed veins

  • Gout

Well it sounds like all diseases can be blamed on obesity, but reading through this list makes me realize that yeah, maybe it does hinder my health.

Lower Quality of Life

If you had asked me if I thought my quality of life had beenlowered because I am overweight, I would have answered…no. But on further consideration I can see ways that it has. Outside activities, amusement park rides, climbing a swimming pool ladder (phew!), whitewater rafting. I’m not saying I would do those things if I lost weight, but it would make it a lot easier. Actually, there are two things I would do if I lost all the weight I needed to lose—parachuting and whitewater rafting. …maybe :)

So I guess I’m pretty normal in the struggle with weight loss and weight control, so starting here I am making a commitment to myself to just do it.

The Program

I saw a post on one of my friend’s Facebook wall the other day. She just mentioned the diet she had been on and so I took a look at it, it’s called The Fast Metabolism Diet, by Haylie Pomroy. I don’t remember why I decided to buy it, but I went on Amazon and purchased the Kindle edition.

When I got it, I remember three things she stated very strongly:

  1. Read through the book before you start

  2. Change the way you think about the word diet

  3. You will be eating more on this program
    than any other

Well, I didn’t read through it completely (although, I was also advised to by my friend), but you should if you start it, her mnemonics for the word diet is, Did I Eat Today, and the statement I read about the more you have to lose the more you should eat was too great of a concept for me to pass up!

The Progress

The program lasts 28 days and has 3 phases that you go through each week. I’m on week two and finding it very easy to do. The initial planning and the cost of the food is the most difficult part of the plan. But Pomroy makes it very easy to get started by listing several recipes in her book.

The first week I used only her recipes, but in week two I’m finding it quite easy to adapt my own versions. My biggest complaint…I’m tired of eating! My friend noticed immediately the weight loss in her face, which I can understand, because all you do is chew!

Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten this much in all my life, especially not while I was supposed to be dieting. But I’ve traded my soft foods like chocolate, yogurts, chips, and desserts, for good nutritional food like lean meats, carrots, almonds, and spinach.

So to the proverbial proof in the pudding:



Weekly Lost

Total lbs. to date

Starting wt.


Week 1




Week 2




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